Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Body Language

This weeks topic on the shoe was body language.

There are over 700,000 movements the body makes to signal its intent

93% of all communication is non verbal

Women look for body language that suggests to them dominance in the areas they perceive as most valuable – Strength, Security, Kindness etc

Men look for signs of fertility that indicate a woman’s readiness for mating.

STUDIES – Studies have been done that show men are more attracted to the movements of a female who is ovulating. In one study strippers were found to make up to 75% more when they worked during ovulation.

This shows that even though we don’t realise it we are sending our signals all the time.

SHORT CUT – So why waste time trying to address the logic brain (the Neo Cortex) why not go for the seat of emotions the Limbic System, by brushing up on your body language

EYE CONTACT – Pick one eye and connect DON’T STARE. Wait for them to drop their gaze, smile or say hi – Only then return the gesture

EYEBROW FLASH – All tribes display an eyebrow flash for 1/5th of a second when they see someone they like – So enhance this by holding it a little longer

FLIRTING TRIANGLE – Zig zag your gaze from eye to eye and then to the mouth

PUPIL INCREASE – Dilation indicates attraction – This is why we like dinners with low lights. You can take herbal substances to enhance this effect if you want to get your subconscious message over

BLINKING – Frequency of blinking is another give away – If you increase your frequency or match theirs it helps to bond you to them

WRISTS Up – Showing the wrists is a sign of comfort and vulnerability

MIRRORING – This is a GREAT method that works in many situations
Make sure you capture the spirit not the exact movement and try and leave 30 to 50 seconds between them

THE TRUTH – The truth is we send of signals all the time and our biggest problem is our insecurity, which covers over or alters what would otherwise be perfectly effective signals – So the FIRST thing you need to do is get a grip of your self confidence and then let nature do what it was designed to do best

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